Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just FYI

Hey everyone,
so it's been a while since I've posted on here... Truth be told, I've been pretty busy lately getting ready for college and whatnot. But I promise, I'll try to post again soon! I just wanted to make sure that you all knew this blog isn't dead (yet).
Hope you're all doing well!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dusk on the lake

During the retreat I mentioned in my last post, we leaders took our teens out on the dock and had some quiet time one night. It was really amazing, as was the whole camp, and the peaceful atmosphere was incredible. The hours after sunset are a pretty magical time, cheesy as that sounds. This poem just kind of turned out as the result of my observations of all the senses during this short time on the lake.

Dusk on the Lake

The lake is
a mirror of movement
as the deck
dips and sways.

The water is an
echo of light,
the windows casting
a liquid glow.

Guitar skims across the water
The whisper of wind
matches the murmer
of the shuffling bodies.

A highlight of white
is a chip on the dusty dark blue sky
bleeding lighter around the edges.


I was at a retreat this weekend for the Militia Immaculata. I've been a part of this camp for several years now, and this was my first year as a small group leader instead of a camper. Anyway, during the orientation for the leaders, we got a chance to have some prayer time with just us and the Lord. It was totally awesome, and my reflections sort of sparked this poem. (Keep in mind that I wrote this at 11:15 at night, and edited it while running on very few hours of sleep, so it may be a little odd.) ;)

Permeate me, Lord
Drown me in You.
Take away the old crud
and fill it with the New.

Seep through my veins
Inundate me
with the waves of Your grace
Your mercy, the Sea.

Make every move Yours
So I'm now just a part
of this Body of Christ
Let me follow Your heart.