Monday, May 4, 2009


Well, here I am! Welcome to my humble e-abode. As I mentioned in the "about me" of my profile, I started this blog for a couple reasons:
  1. I wanted a place dedicated to my fledgling attempts at poetry.
  2. When writing this poetry, I didn't want to be hampered by my thoughts of, "what would my friends think when they read this poem?" So I 'neglected' to tell the people I see regularly about this blog. (Also, partially because I don't think they really care.) So you boardie friends, consider yourself among the privileged, because I told you about this blog! ;)
  3. I like writing blogs.
So I'm not that great at poetry yet. I just started doing it seriously a few months ago, and ended up signing up for a class called Writing Poetry this quarter at school. I've learned a lot from that class, and maybe this way I can keep those skills I've learned in use. Anyway, don't expect this poetry to be very great. I like to sort of wing it when writing poetry, because I think whenever I try to use a real "form" like a sonnet or whatever, it sounds really weird or cartoony. :P So you'll see a lot- if not all- free form.

You may also see a lot of Switchfoot references. For those of you who may have discovered this blog who don't know me previously, Switchfoot is my favorite band. EVER. In fact, the title of this blog is taken from a Switchfoot song, and the web address is from a quote by lead singer Jon Foreman. So if you don't like SF, you better not tell me! ;) Another great musical influence of mine is Anberlin/Stephen Christian.

Well, that's about it. I just recently discovered I could watch the show Lost online for free, and since I've never seen it, I decided to start watching it a few days ago. I am officially addicted now. I'm about 2/3 of the way through season 1, pretty fun stuff.

Anyway. Peace and blessings, all! God bless.

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